If you’re looking for a sign that you should become a chef, then you’re in luck! Here we bring you 11 of the best signs to become a chef, based on my own experiences in the kitchen. I chose to...
Category: Getting Started
Having spent several of my chef career years working in standalone restaurants I have a deep understanding of the positive as well as the negatives of this type of work environment. Being a chef...
With an ever increasing number of people choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, it's highly likely that potential chefs all over the country are being turned off from a kitchen career through fear...
What colour chopping board do you use for which food types? This is a question that many people wonder and to those outside of a catering environment the choice of 7 different colours can be...
Declaring a desire to become a chef can result in a mixed bag of responses from our loved ones. Families and friends have our best interests at heart but they can inadvertently point out all the...
There’s a certain mystique towards the world of being a chef that draws people from all walks of life and at any age. It’s true that the majority of chefs start out at a young age, but what’s...